Monday, February 17, 2014

Why its OK to Question God

Yes, you heard me correctly.  I just said It's OK to question God.  Well bear with me because I haven't been struck down by lighting yet.  It won't kill you to consider the idea.

Let's just talk about this theoretically...  A parent has a child that runs into the street.  From the parents perspective running into the street is a terrible idea because the child might, oh I don't know, get hit by a car and become a pancake.  From the kids perspective, who has no legitimate idea what a car hitting him would do, just is trying to catch his ball.  So the parent has to instill into the child's mind that he must NOT go into the street no matter what.  The parent spanks the kid, and tells him, "DO NOT GO INTO THE STREET" and when the child asks why the parent responds with "BECAUSE I SAID SO".  Well the kid learns absolutely nothing but to try to hide from the parent when running into the street.  Now the spanking might have done the trick, and child may still mind.  This isn't a commentary on parenting styles because I'm not a parent, nor do I have any experience to claim to know anything about parenting styles, so don't take that out of this.  What I'm asking you to think about is how that was already an incredibly frustrating thing to hear.  "Because I Said So"

Maybe a situation more relevant to you might help.  Well what happens when your boss tells you to do something that makes no sense to you at the time.  Does it not really make you mad?  Especially when the boss gives no other explanation than, "Because I said so...".  Its infuriating.  We want to constantly know why.

Now God is very different.  First off because he's always right... So it is inherently silly to question him.  But I'm a firm believer in the fact that humans are imperfect... So why don't we allow our imperfections to teach us lessons in this life?  Questioning God, in any sense, is a form of communication.  It's not a slap to God's face or a disobedience.  Yes, God asks us to trust him.  But don't you think the Bible would be a LOT shorter if God intended us to just blindly trust him without any kind of explanation or reasoning?

I think it is healthy to interact with people of other belief systems, other religions, other denominations, other genders, cultures, communities, and races.  God gave us this massive community of life to learn from.  You don't have to change your mind about what you already believe.  You don't have to change their minds either.  Just let it happen.  Just experience it.  Do not be afraid of it.  Learn to understand people, and loving them, the greatest commandment, will be so much easier.

If speaking with someone makes you question God, then no, its not a terrible thing.  Its your humanity.  You aren't God.  I'm sorry but theoretically you have something in your head that you believe about God that is probably wrong.  Same for me.  Not a single one of us is capable of understanding God to his full extent at this point int time.  So maybe you will change your mind.  Maybe you won't.  God won't leave you.  Go talk to him about it.  If you talk to a person who isn't a christian in the way you are that makes you question God, then go talk to God about it.  It's what you do when you get confused about a relationship with a person here on earth.  Tell God, tell him you need help understanding.  Allow him to guide you to the truth.  He won't leave you hanging.  If you are hungry for the truth then he will satisfy you.  Do not be afraid... He will accept your questioning with open arms and be thrilled that you want to go deeper with him.

I LOVE to question God.  Because every time I do, my faith grows stronger.  Don't be so closed minded.  Don't be so obsessed with what you think the truth is right now on earth.  If God had taught you everything you needed to know by now, then there would be no point for you to be here anymore. It would be time for you to head on up to Heaven.  So if you are reading this I assume you aren't in heaven yet.  So God is NOT done with you.  He hasn't finished teaching you.  So honor him with your questions.  Respect him by not blindly pretending that you believe everything that he tells you right away without any questions.  Don't pretend with him.  Be REAL.

And question God.  It can become a beautiful thing