Denominations. Church of Christ, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, Episcopal, Non-Denominational
All different words used to describe self-proclaimed Christians. What kills me is the bitterness between them all. I was raised Church of Christ, My Dad went to a Southern Baptist Church, I attended a Methodist Church for some time, I sang in a choir in a Presbyterian church, and my two best friends were Catholic and Episcopalian. So I would say I have at least SOME kind of experience with most of them.
The first question I want to ask is how many people actually chose to be in the denomination that they claim for themselves? Most people were told by their parents to be a part of it, encouraged by friends to join a particular church, many people stayed in the church they fell in love with God in.
What I'm here to say is THAT IS TOTALLY OK
The concept of going to church is a modern one. I will typically take a Garden of Eden perspective on these things so here's the Eden approach...
In the beginning Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden, they ate of the fruits, they talked with God, they loved and spent time together and with God. They were so unashamed to be open with God they did not even feel the need to wear clothes!
Now notice something... I didn't say "Adam and Eve walked with God and went to church that God had built". I said that Adam and Eve LIVED with God, experienced him through each other
and through God's works. They didn't have to attend church because they were with God. P.S. I really hope you don't think I'm encouraging you to attend church naked... even in the most radical of churches that might come off as highly inappropriate
Then the fall of man happened. We acted like children. Humanity messed up. Big Time. So God sent us back to school. He saw that we were too weak to handle the freeform of just existing and loving God. He saw that we chose not to live the way he intended. So he gave us a LOT of structure. If you have ever read Genesis and some of the following books, there are chapters and chapters on the way church is run.
Now don't hear me knocking church. Even though God may not have intended that we have the structure of Church in Eden, he has called us to it now. But knowing this, I believe that there are a few things that will prevent the bitterness between people over denominations.
1. Think in terms of how it was intended
Love each other, experience God and share with each other. Fellowship, share meals, make sure to wear clothes!, but just BE together sometimes with the people of your church. There is beauty in appreciating the way God intended it.
2. Remember that Jesus came to free us from the law...Galatians 5:1 says, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Jesus set us FREE from the law. He made it to where we wouldn't be burdened by our mistakes and by the old way of doing things. Otherwise we couldn't eat bacon and that would suck. So that means that if you don't go to church every single sunday and wednesday, Here's some good news. I'm pretty sure that isn't your ticket to hell. Don't get so burdened and caught up by worrying that you might miss a church
3. Its not the building or the time thats important
Its the people. its the love. Its community and fellowship and some of it is the structure. Its not that Sunday morning is the only time you can reach God. I encourage you to act like you are in church all the time. Or make church be more normal and comfortable like you live the rest of your life.
GODS PEOPLE ARE HIS CHURCH so that means that you should
exist worshipping, praising, learning, teaching, loving. Always.
4. So that means don't judge. Don't. Don't do it.
If someone is in a different denomination than you let me enlighten you... hating them for it will NOT change their perspective, perception, or opinion. Please talk to them, encourage them, question them about their beliefs and opinions, but don't hate them. Especially if you didn't choose your denomination after seeing and experiencing all the others. Think critically about your faith. Study the teachings of your church. I can almost guarantee that at least 50% of church going people will disagree with at least some of the teachings of the church they regularly attend. Because we are human!! There are too many differences and variables. We can't all believe the same thing exactly word for word because honestly when has that ever happened?? Be aware of what you are agreeing to by being a part of a church, but once you find what you believe most with, don't hate other people for believing differently. If you believe someone is risking their salvation then by all means, approach them. But do it out of love. I've never seen judgement used as a good thing. Ever.
So Let Me Get Radical...Here's my radical perspective. I believe that some people need to be in certain denominations. My Dad couldn't be anywhere but Southern Baptist because he NEEDS the concept of salvation that they have. He would not be able to love God the way he does without it. Is that right? Maybe not. But it means that he is loving God in some way and so I am happy for it. My Grandmother NEEDS the structure and laws of the Church of Christ. She is about as structured as it gets and she sees beauty in order. She wouldn't love God the same way if not for it. Its about peoples experiences, understanding, and
perception. And people may even end up changing denominations. I think thats ok too. So think of church as a lifestyle. Don't get bogged down by the requirements. I do not believe God will hate you for missing church one morning. I even think that if you really trust God, that if you one morning are dreading going to church, then don't go. Take some time by yourself or with your family to pray at home. Don't carry out the motions without the love and intent behind it. LOVE God with all your heart and soul and mind. That is the first command. So do it. Then LOVE your neighbor as yourself.
There is beauty in the differences of humanity and i love it!! So share with one another. Your church is not just the building you attend, rather it is the entire community of believers and non-believers all over the world.
So treat other people like they are your church family. Allow yourself to lean on others, experience their love and affection, support them in their time of need. Don't let
denomination be such a dirty word anymore.