This is a new thing for me. Let me start off by introducing myself. I'm 18 years old, from the South, in college, and a Radical Christian. I like music and art and the various odd hobbies I pick up but Christianity is my number 1. Or maybe thats my first mistake...
GOD is my number 1. Jesus is my number 1.
You are already assuming something about me because I said I was a Christian. Some people are assuming I'm a bible beater since I'm from the South. Some people are assuming I'm an idiot because I believe in a creation. Some people might actually think that because I'm a christian that might mean a good thing, but I'm guessing those people are not in the majority. Well I'm here to tell you that I'm a lot of things. I've been a Bible beater before. I still am frequently an idiot. And I see my christianity as a good thing. But I understand that a vast number of people don't so my goal here is to communicate to people what I REALLY believe. As a christian. But a R A D I C A L one. See I am under the impression that I have a unique set of beliefs that when heard, will make a whole lot more sense to people. So I'm not trying to preach here.
I want you to listen or well... read... at will. Take me for what I am, not what assumptions you may have. Look at this blog as if you have never seen or heard anything about Christianity before. Feel free to tell me when you disagree with me. I like conversation and if arguments stem from curiosity and communication then there is nothing wrong with them. Don't feel like you have to agree with me. AT ALL. Let me repeat that because you won't hear many bloggers say that haha...
you do NOT have to agree with me in any way
But I feel like bouncing my ideas off some random strangers or maybe even close friends from across the world would give me some clarity as much as it might open someone's eyes to something different. So please DISAGREE with me and let me learn from you.
Sometimes I will quote the Bible. Sometimes I won't. Sometimes I will take about politics or social issues or whatever. I may even talk about something totally irrelevant to anything. But I'll try to make my posts relatively interesting. So follow and let me know what you think. I'm very curious...
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